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На даний момент відео находиться в стадії розробки. Просимо вибачення за тимчасові незручності!


Please select the values and press Calculate.

Step 1.  What is as-built wall type?  

Step 2.  What is your wall as-built thickness, in mm?  

Step 3.  How thick you would apply Bauwer Light, in mm?  

Step 4.  What is Bauwer application area in square meters?  


L1B Building regulations.
5.12 Reasonable provision would be to upgrade those thermal elements whose U-value is worse than the threshold value in column (a) of a Table 3 to achieve the U-value given in column (b) of a Table 3 provided this is technically, functionally and economically feasible. A reasonable test of economic feasibility is to achieve a simple payback of 15 years or less. Where the standard given in column (b) is not technically, functionally or economically feasible, then the thermal element should be upgraded to the best standard that is technically and functionally feasible and delivers a simple payback period of 15 years or less. Generally, this lesser standard should not be worse than 0,7 W/(m2.K).