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THERMAL RENDER PLASTER. INTERNAL, EXTERNAL INSULATION OF OLD STONE WALLSBauwer thermal render plaster available directly from the manufacturer, Bauwer Group. Contact us for a competitive quote, our prices per square meter coverage at a given thickness will deliver considerable saving vs. popular stone wall insulation alternatives
As traditional buildings need to ‘breathe’ the use of vapour barriers and other impermeable materials (EPS boards) commonly found in modern buildings must be avoided when making improvements to energy efficiency, as these materials can trap and hold moisture and create problems for the building.
If the walls are already damp before installing impermeable insulation these effects will potentially be exacerbated. Under these circumstances it is particularly important to allow walls to ‘breathe’ in order to dry to the outside as effectively as possible. Drying to the inside is significantly less effective, and may be unpleasant for users of the building. For traditional buildings with highly permeable external walls, the need to prevent impermeable layers precludes the use of modern EPS or foam based insulations boards, as well as the use of protective finishes which bar moisture vapour movement. As most suitable external insulations will also need to be protected from external rain and from mechanical damage, external insulation should be considered as a two-component system where all layers need to work together in harmony. First insulating layer is Bauwer Light, which need to be protected from both the weather and mechanical impact with vapour permeable Bauwer Finish. Internal wall insulation is usually applied directly to the inner face of the external wall (Bauwer Light or Bauwer Standard) and then a Bauwer Finish is applied to the room side |